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Ecommerce Web Development: Everything You Need to Know to Build a Successful Online Store

By 5 June 2023September 22nd, 2023No Comments

By some estimates, there are more than 26 million ecommerce websites globally. That means your business is in the red ocean and has to overcome the competition to thrive in its product niche.

Ecommerce web development has become overly popular these days. 

Not only does it bring a wide sense of convenience to worldwide online shoppers, but it also has uber-promising prospects for business owners.

The latter party just needs to scrounge up a unique online store development idea, but together a robust ecommerce developer team and get started. 

Sounds too easy and simple right?

It’d be that way if it weren’t your first rodeo in ecommerce web development. Unfortunately, not all business ideas have a perfect take-off factor going for them. Top it off with a shortage of funds, online store development technical issues, and the idea itself not being so “unique” anymore, since someone else has already done it. 

We created this post for such reasons. By highlighting some of the basic and most essential aspects of ecommerce web development, we’d like to offer insight into the dynamics and prospects for someone who hasn’t owned an ecommerce web development business before.

Fun Facts about Ecommerce Web Development

  • Thanks to ecommerce web development, an estimated 95% of online purchases will be happening by the end of the year 2040!
  • The ecommerce industry is growing at a steady pace of 23% per year.
  • More than 1/3rd of U.S. small businesses do not have a website! This translates to an increased number of ecommerce developer opportunities for you to seek.
  • Ecommerce is expected to reach the $5.42 trillion mark in sales per year.

Let’s get started.

What Is Ecommerce Web Development & Why Is It Important?

Ecommerce Web Development

Ecommerce web development refers to the creation and maintenance of websites or online platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of products or services over the internet. 

It involves the design, development, and implementation of various features and functionalities to create a seamless and secure online shopping experience for customers.

It is important for several reasons:

Global Reach: 

An ecommerce website allows businesses to expand their reach beyond geographical limitations. 

It enables customers from anywhere in the world to access and purchase products or services, breaking down the barriers of traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

Increased Sales and Revenue: 

By establishing an online presence, businesses can tap into a larger customer base and generate more sales. 

An ecommerce website allows for 24/7 availability, enabling customers to make purchases at their convenience. 

Moreover, effective marketing strategies and personalized product recommendations can further drive sales and revenue.


Compared to physical retail stores, ecommerce websites often require lower operational costs. 

There is no need for expenses related to physical store setup, rent, utilities, and staff. 

Additionally, digital marketing techniques can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods.

Enhanced Customer Experience: 

Ecommerce websites provide a convenient and user-friendly shopping experience for customers. 

Features such as easy navigation, search functionality, product categorization, detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and secure payment options contribute to a positive customer experience.

Data and Analytics: 

Ecommerce websites generate valuable data and insights about customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. 

This data can be leveraged to understand customer needs, optimize marketing strategies, improve product offerings, and make data-driven business decisions. 

Analytics tools can provide valuable metrics such as conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value.

Scalability and Flexibility: 

Ecommerce websites can easily scale as the business grows. 

They can accommodate a large number of products, handle increased website traffic, and support various payment gateways.

Competitive Advantage: 

In today’s digital era, having an ecommerce presence is crucial to remain competitive. 

Businesses that do not embrace ecommerce may miss out on opportunities and lose customers to competitors who offer online shopping convenience. 

An ecommerce website can differentiate a business by providing a seamless, personalized, and secure online shopping experience.

Who Is An Ecommerce Web Developer?

An ecommerce web developer specialises in creating and managing online stores or ecommerce websites. 

These developers understand the unique requirements and features that these platforms need, such as shopping carts, secure payment gateways, product listings, and user accounts. 

An ecommerce web developer often works closely with designers to ensure the website is functional and visually appealing. 

They also need to ensure the site is responsive to look and function well on various devices, from desktops to mobile phones.

Therefore, if you are an organisation that wants to sell a product, you should consider hiring an ecommerce web developer to ensure the success of their online store.

General Ecommerce Web Development Process For Beginner Level Ecommerce Developer(s)

Ecommerce Web Development Process

As a beginner-level ecommerce developer, here is a general outline of the ecommerce web development process. 

Bear in mind that experiencing everything as an ecommerce developer will pose a different degree of challenges down the road. 

As a result, these steps are to be considered from a general perspective. Feel free to improvise for process efficiency and a guaranteed delightful customer experience.

Planning and Research

  • Understand the business requirements and goals of the ecommerce website.
  • Research the target audience, competitors, and industry trends.
  • Determine the ecommerce platform or CMS (Content Management System) to use, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or custom development.


  • Create a visual design that aligns with the brand identity and appeals to the target audience.
  • Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure easy navigation, clear product display, and an intuitive checkout process.
  • Use responsive design principles to make the website mobile-friendly and compatible across different devices.


  • Set up the development environment, including a local server and version control system.
  • Develop the website’s front-end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual interface, product pages, shopping cart, and checkout process.
  • Develop the back-end functionality, including product inventory management, order processing, payment integration, and customer account management.
  • Implement security measures, such as SSL certificates and encryption, to protect customer data and ensure secure transactions.

Content Creation

  • Create engaging and informative content for product descriptions, category pages, and other relevant sections of the website.
  • Optimize content for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility and organic traffic.


  • Conduct thorough mobile app usability testing to ensure the website functions correctly and is free of bugs or errors.
  • Test the website across different browsers, devices, and operating systems to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
  • Perform user testing to gather feedback on usability and identify areas for improvement.


  • Choose a suitable hosting provider and deploy the website to a live server.
  • Set up domain and DNS configurations.
  • Configure SSL certificates for secure transactions.

Integration and Configuration:

  • Integrate payment gateways to enable secure online transactions.
  • Configure shipping methods and options.
  • Integrate third-party tools and services, such as analytics, marketing automation, and customer support.

Launch and Maintenance:

  • Launch the ecommerce website, ensuring all features and functionalities are working correctly.
  • Monitor website performance, security, and user feedback.
  • Regularly update content, products, and security patches.
  • Continuously optimize the website based on analytics and user behavior.

Remember to refer to documentation, tutorials, and online resources specific to the chosen ecommerce platform or CMS for detailed guidance throughout the development process.

Top Ecommerce Web Development Examples


Allbirds, one of the ecommerce web development examples, is a clothing brand that prioritises eco-friendliness and sustainable practices. 

The engaging content, compelling call-to-actions, and product images are some of the 

To build stronger credibility within the customer base, they proudly display their Certified B Corporation badge to confirm their commitment to sustainability.

Their streamlined call-to-action buttons make navigation and purchasing straightforward.

Azteca Soccer

Another top ecommerce web development examples is Azteca Soccer has an unusual design approach. 

Rather than following the typical online shop layout, they cater to their audience with a boutique-like ambience. 

They create a boutique-like ambience by sharing lifestyle-oriented pictures that give more context and depth than product photos.

Bon Bon Bon

Representing the vibrant side of ecommerce web development examples is Bon Bon Bon, a Detroit-based handcrafted chocolate seller.

You can see the brand’s creativity with the vibrant website design that effectively communicates the brand image with the colours used in the design

The entire online process, from their main page to the checkout, provides a seamless customer experience, streamlining the buyer’s journey.

Download Blue Zorro’s Exclusive Ecommerce Web Development Services Checklist

Ecommerce Web Development Services

Blue Zorro, the ecommerce web development tool, is all about innovation and using your unique online store development ideas.

For that reason and many others, we have an in-house IT solutions development team as a part of our ecommerce web development tool that incorporates a multi-step, personalized, approach to bringing your ecommerce web development ideas to life.

If you are already an expert ecommerce website development services provider, or someone looking for a handy list of different steps to ensure due diligence and thorough ecommerce website development process completion, here’s our exclusive checklist as an ecommerce web development tool.

Planning and Requirements Gathering

  • The first step in the ecommerce web development process is to define the project scope, goals, and target audience.
  • Identify the essential features and functionalities required for the ecommerce website.
  • Determine the product catalog structure and category hierarchy.

Platform Selection

  • If you aim to provide ecommerce website development services, Cchoose a suitable ecommerce platform or CMS based on the project requirements, scalability, and ease of use.
  • Evaluate factors such as available themes, plugin/extensions, security features, and integration capabilities.

User Experience (UX) Design

  • Create a user-friendly and intuitive interface as an ecommerce website development service provider.
  • Optimize the navigation structure and ensure easy access to key sections.
  • Design a responsive layout that works well across different devices.

Visual Design

  • Create a visually appealing design that aligns with the brand identity.
  • Use consistent branding elements, typography, and color schemes.
  • Pay attention to product imagery and visual representation.

Product Management

  • Set up a robust product management system.
  • Include options for adding, editing, and deleting products.
  • Implement features for product categorization, attributes, and variants.

Shopping Cart and Checkout Process

  • Design a user-friendly shopping cart that displays product details and quantities.
  • Implement a secure and streamlined checkout process with multiple payment options.
  • Include features such as guest checkout, order tracking, and saved user profiles.

Payment and Security

  • Integrate secure payment gateways in the ecommerce website development process to handle online transactions.
  • Ensure compliance with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements.
  • Implement SSL certificates to encrypt customer data and secure communication.

Order Management

  • In the ecommerce website development process, develop a system to manage and track orders.
  • Enable email notifications for order confirmation, shipment, and delivery.
  • Include features for order history, returns, and refunds.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Optimize the website for search engines to improve visibility.
  • Implement proper metadata, URL structure, and sitemap.
  • Ensure fast page loading speed and mobile optimization.

Analytics and Reporting:

  • Integrate analytics tools to track website performance, traffic, and conversions.
  • Set up goal tracking and conversion funnels.
  • Generate reports for key metrics and insights.

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Conduct thorough testing for functionality, usability, and compatibility.
  • Test the website across different browsers, devices, and screen sizes.
  • Perform security testing and vulnerability scans.

Launch and Deployment

  • Choose a reliable hosting provider and configure server settings.
  • Set up domain and DNS configurations.
  • Deploy the website and ensure a smooth transition from development to the live environment.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

  • Regularly update the platform, plugins/extensions, and security patches.
  • Monitor website performance, user feedback, and analytics data.
  • Continuously optimize the website based on user behavior and market trends.

Remember that this checklist is a general guideline, and specific requirements may vary based on individual projects and business needs. Adapting and customizing the checklist to your specific project requirements is recommended if you opt for our ecommerce web development tool.

Contact us today to learn more about our ecommerce website development services in 2023.

Over To You:

If you haven’t tried your luck as an ecommerce developer or owned an online store development business before, we’d love to know the reasons behind it. 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.